1) Name
The organization is called “Konnektiv Drama and Theatre Arts for Health, Education and Recreation”
2) Aims and activities
Konnektiv is a community based organisation that engages people with drama in ways that promote creativity, expressiveness, experimentation, self awareness, confidence, communication and interpersonal interaction.
It is recognized within the group that drama can be beneficial in terms of personal and community development, and mental and physical health.
Konnektiv works in an exploratory way, always seeking new methods of using drama for the aims given.
3) Powers
Konnektiv is powered to undertake any reasonable activities in the furtherance of it’s aims, including to
- raise money in the furtherance of it’s aims and activities.
- employ paid staff or work with community volunteers
- buy or rent premises/equipment
- conduct research
- work in partnership with other organisations.
4) Membership
All residents of Stafford and surrounding areas, of any age and background, are eligible for membership of Konnektiv.
Members who currently experience or have previously experienced mental or physical illness, are particularly welcome.
Membership is made up of people who attend Konnektiv Drama sessions, or who wish to contribute to the aims of the group.
5) Management Committee
All members of Konnektiv are eligible to attend and contribute to the Management Committee meetings.
The Management Committee will develop projects, promote and develop resources for projects, and will network with other organisations.
Decisions about the structure/function of the Committee will be made by majority vote at committee meetings.
6) Core Management Group
The Core Management Group will consist of a minimum of a Secretary, a Treasurer and a Chair.
Other officers may be appointed at the discretion of the Committee.
Responsibilities of the Core Management Group are as follows:
- Treasurer – keeps records of all expenditure and income and makes these records available to anyone who wishes to see them. Distributes a Record of Annual Accounts at the AGM.
- Secretary – Makes and distributes Minutes of all Konnektiv Committee Meetings and makes these records available to anyone who wishes to see them. In co-operation with the Chair and any other interested parties, sets and distributes the Agenda for Committee Meetings.
- Chair – Ensures that all matters on the Agenda are discussed within time at Committee Meeting, and that all points of view are heard. Facilitates the decision making process. In co-operation with the Secretary and any other interested parties, sets the Agenda for Committee Meetings.
Officers will be elected at Annual General Meetings, unless a vacancy occurs outside of this time, at which point the election will take place at a Committee Meeting.
7) Meetings
In addition to the Annual General Meeting, Committee meetings will be called as and when deemed necessary, and will be organised jointly by the Secretary and the Chair.
Any member of the group can request a meeting, which is then called by the Chair, with agreement of the Core Committee.
An Annual General Meeting will be held in May of each year.
8) Finance
An account will be opened with the Co-operative Bank, in order for Konnektiv to manage their financial business.
The treasurer will keep a record of all payments going into and out of the Bank Account.
Decisions about funds management, including budget responsibilities and who will act as signatories for cheques, will be made at the AGM, in agreement with the Treasurer.
Konnektiv is a non-profit making organisation. Any surplus funds acquired will be used in the furtherance of the aims of the group.
9) Amendments to the Constitution
Changes to the Constitution can be made at the Annual General Meeting. If a change is urgently required before an AGM, then a Committee Meeting may be called.
10) Dissolution
If for any reason Konnektiv ceases to exist, any surplus money or assets will be donated to similar groups or local charities.
Decisions about the dissolution of the group and reallocation of any money or assets will be made at an Annual General Meeting or Final Committee Meeting called by the Secretary and Chairperson.